Not one tear did she shed. She was fed up being taken for granted. Finally the chords snapped when her friend Shaila decided to be very nasty to her, over a very trivial matter. Nonita decided to cut off from everyone. It took 3 weeks for her to come to a decision. She had decided to heal her life once and for all.

She was packing her bags. It was 2 in the afternoon. Mummy had gone with Rahul to school. his boards were getting over, perfect op to pack up. Mummy would never know. Noni was scheduled to be on the 4pm train to Chandigarh, to be with her entor, Hari.

Hari was a 32 year old wisdom consultant, in short, a guru. Hari helped people get over their obstacles. Noni was being helped by him. Noni was a bright 23 year old, with all promise for a great future. Only hitch being, her folks did not permit her to work. Noni came from an affluent family, though typically narrow minded.

Mummy would wear western clothes to be in with the jain-ses.....yet at home she was very docile with in-laws etc. Noni had to wear what Mummy dictated. Horrid synthetic rubbish. Noni loved whites, cottons, funky silver. While Mummy wanted her to be always dressed in the right attire, in case the 'right boy' came along...Noni was in love with Vinay, her college mate. Vinay and she had studied in Amity together for the film making course, 3 years back. They had been in love since.

Vinay wasn't typically good looking, yet a great guy, great charisma...he oozed appeal, had a great sense of humor. Entertained Noni to the hilt. They loved each other. He understood her pain, her joys, her quietitude. He loved what she did to him in the nights, slinking into his bed, making him laugh when performing acts of pleasure. Their life was a web of rainbows. They so enjoyed each other's company. They would hold hands many a times, hug each other and just listen to some old music. Vinay loved this about her.

They wanted to marry. Vinay was well off. Mummy would of course be happy at this rishta. Noni did not agree. She would only marry Vinay once she knew her life purpose. Vinay understood. He would wait.

Noni had to heal her life.

She was born to a father who never loved her. A mother who never had time to give her a hug. Noni was a lonely child. Mummy loved Rahul though, typical indian mom syndrome.

Today was another day. At the train station, she waited anxiously to get onto the train. No one knew. Not even Vinay.

12 hours later, she was at Chandigarh station. Hari waite for her. His heart leapt into his mouth when he saw her, wearing a pristine white kurta, churidaar, a mull dupatta, silver baalis at her ears, lots of glass bangles. Noni was a picture of old world beauty. Hari was silently in love with this girl woman. He was afaid of letting her know...and did not want anything to come in the way of his healing his girl woman. So he would be very offhand with her.

Noni would be staying with him, in his guest bedroom. She had left a note behind at home to let Mummy know she would be back soon. Noni just wasn't scared of being reprimanded, in fact she had mastered the knack of working around her mother. She would do just the right thing to please Mummy, go with her for the boring lunches etc to please her and her socialite friends. Mummy would then be totally okay with her daughter.

It took 3 weeks of intensive healing for Noni to decide what she wanted finally.

Nonita cried when Hari showed her the orphanage. She knew. This is where she wanted to be. She wrote home to let them know. Mummy was silent. No reply from her or her brother Rahul. Nonita decided to make her decision now. Vinay was told. He cried. It took days of counseling from her for him to understand.

Nonita & Hari married in a simple temple ceremony. She wore a red cotton maheshwari with a gold border. He a shoti kurta. Their folks attended the wedding. Noni refused to accept any gifts except the silver diya her best friend Akshay gave her as a parting present, as a sign to illuminate her life forever. Akshay had been at her side for a long time. She shared her life with him, the way she could not with anyone. Akshay was her mate, he enjoyed being with her, she touched his heart the way no one ever did. He was sad that she would not be around. He understood. He did visit her.

They did not have children. They did not need to.

She is 50, with a husband that dotes on her. The orphanage is now supported by a UK organisation. People now look for adopting fom here.

She is at peace.

Vinay never married. He visits her. Hari knows, understands.


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